SMI-1414-EN Rev. 005 - Installation and Service Manual
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7.4 Coil Data Disk Installation Procedure
7.4.1 Personnel Requirements
Required Persons
15 mins
45 minutes
7.4.2 Tools and Test Equipment
16Ch Breast Coils by Sentinelle Coil Definitions Disc
Phantoms and phantom positioners are needed for
the MCQA test.
See sections 6.1 and 7.5
7.4.3 Required Conditions
The software build to install this coil must be 22.0 M4 or above
7.4.4 Procedure
Do not plug in the coil and use AutoCoil to install the coil. This method will not install the coil protocol.
1. Make sure that the latest software build is loaded on the system prior to installing the Sentinelle coil.
The Sentinelle protocol will only install if the required conditions are met.
2. Check to confirm if the 16Ch Sentinelle table/coil is already installed on the system software by
opening the Service Browser under the Service Desktop Manager. In the Service Browser click on
the Configuration tab, then the Coil Database Explorer under the configuration folder on the left.
3. Select “Click here to start this tool”. The Coil DB Explorer window will open and under the "Coil
Name" tab there is a "Clinical Coil Name" control. Click on this and there will be a dropdown list of all
the logical coil names. There should be seven names that end with "SMI" (they will be listed
alphabetically). This indicates the coil configs are present in the Coil DB. Reference Figure 24. If
the coil is not present on the list proceed to step 6.