Respiration Therapy Device
Alarm Functions of
Power Failure
Probably you won't notice a power failure at night-time.
As a consequence you would permanently inhale the
exhausted air from the therapy tube. Therefore
has an alarm mechanism responding if a power fai-
lure occurs at night-time or if a fuse becomes defective.
In this case an acoustic alarm would wake you up
so that you can take off the mask and breathe fresh
air. The alarm can be switched off by pressing the
control key (ON/OFF).
After the end of power failure the turbine of
starts again automatically.
Mask Alarm
This alarm function is active only if the automatic
function is switched off. If at night-time the mask
slips down or the therapeutic tube is pulled off the
device won't switch off automatically but raise an
acoustic alarm. This additional safety function,
however, requires that the device is switched on and
off with the control key (ON/OFF) each morning and
Wake-up Alarm
For higher comfort
has an integrated
alarm-clock. It can be activated and deactivated with
the program keys.
The alarm-clock raises alarm at the pre-set wake time.
If you press the control key once the alarm will stop
for the next five minutes and if you press it twice
the alarm will be totally switched off.
Check of the Power Failure Alarm:
Use the device with running turbine and pull out the AC
power plug or switch off the AC power switch. Now the
acoustic alarm should be occur. Check every month if
the acoustic signal lasts long enough (guide value 1 min).
After pressing the control key or switching on the power
supply the acoustic signal will stop.
Check of the Mask Alarm:
Use the device with running turbine and switch off
automatic function. Do not fix the mask to the face.
After 10 seconds an acoustic signal will occur.