Carbon Cub S+ 1.3M
65ft (20m)
10ft power is cut
Landing Manually
If it is necessary to land the aircraft manually:
1. Reduce the throttle to around 50% to slow the
2. Fly the aircraft downwind past the end of the runway.
3. Turn the aircraft into the wind and line the aircraft up
with the runway center line.
4. Decrease the throttle further and begin descending
towards the runway, keeping the wings level during
approach. Try to have the aircraft at 10ft altitude as it
passes over the threshold of the runway.
5. As the aircraft passes over the threshold of the run-
way decrease the throttle fully.
6. Just as the aircraft is about to touch down, gently pull
back on the elevator to raise the nose and fl air for a
gentle landing.
When fi nished fl ying, never keep the aircraft
in the sun. Do not store the aircraft in a hot, enclosed area
such as a car. Doing so can damage the foam.
If a crash is imminent, activate throttle hold or
quickly lower the throttle and throttle trim. Failure to do
so could result in extra damage to the airframe, as well
as damage to the ESC and motor.
Post Flight Checklist
1. Activate Throttle Cut.
2. While avoiding the area of the propeller and prop arc, disconnect the fl ight battery from
the aircraft (Required for Safety)
3. Remove the fl ight battery from the aircraft
4. Power off the transmitter
5. Recharge the fl ight battery
6. Inspect the airframe for loose or damaged parts
7. Repair or replace all damaged parts
8. Store fl ight battery apart from aircraft and monitor the battery charge
9. Make note of fl ight conditions and fl ight plan results, planning for future fl ights