To ensure your safety, please read and carefully follow the guidelines in this section and any safety information
included with your LiPo battery. It’s important that you follow these warnings closely. LiPo batteries are significantly
more volatile than Alkaline or NiCd and NiMH batteries.
Charging Safety:
The LiPo battery must be charged with a LiPo balancing charger or fire will result. Do not use or charge your LiPo
battery unattended.
LiPo Explosions/Fire:
All energy storage devices are dangerous. They contain stored (potential) energy, which if mishandled, will cause
failure, and in some cases that failure can be very dangerous. Avoid all conditions that cause battery failure. These
conditions include, but are not limited to:
Severe Heat
- Anything over 160ºF can limit the battery’s life. If heated to extremes (with fire, a soldering iron, etc.),
the battery may fail and/or explode!
Severe Damage
- Examples of severe damage would be: breaking the battery or putting a hole in the battery.
Over Charge
- The charger is either the wrong type or it simply fails and puts more energy at a higher voltage than
the battery is designed to handle. LiPo batteries must never be charged above 4.2v per cell.
Over Discharge
- This usually comes from an improper ESC that allows the voltage to go well under 3.0v per cell.
Also, this term is sometimes used to mean exceeding “C” discharge rating. If the battery is rated for 64 amps
continuous discharge, do not discharge it at a continuous rate of 70 amps! This will destroy the battery.
Warning Signs that Failure and Possible Explosion Might Occur:
If you cause or observe any of the conditions listed above, you can experience battery failure, so if any of these things
do happen, be prepared that the battery could fail.
Swelling of the Battery
- Swelling is caused by internal pressure that goes beyond the normal amount of pressure
in every battery. This pressure makes the cell swell up like a balloon. Do not use a swelled battery! A swelled battery
is a battery that has failed and needs to be discarded before explosion or fire results. Here is what to do with a
battery that is on the verge of exploding or is starting to show signs of exploding:
Do Not Handle Directly
- The material spitting out (if it comes to that) is spitting out at as much as 2000ºF.
Try to Contain the Fire
- We recommend always charging your LiPo battery using a LiPo safety bag (available
separately). If you don’t use a LiPo safety bag, we recommend a fire-proof container with a lid be kept near the
proximity of any battery being used or charged. Fill the bottom with sand. Have this ready to use at a moment’s
notice. If the battery looks suspicious, put it in the container and drop another large amount of sand on top, then
drop the lid. Let it burn out. It will smoke and fume, but the sand will contain the sparks and reduce the transfer
of heat. A fire extinguisher will help, but it will not stop the chemical reaction. The only thing that can be done is
to contain the fire until the fire goes out.
Practical Advice for Using LiPo Batteries:
While there are precautions that must be taken and dangers that must be considered, LiPo batteries today are very
safe and very easy to use. Here is a list of practical advice for using this type of battery.
Assembly of the Battery
- Do not solder directly to the battery!
- Always use a LiPo balance charger. Always make sure the settings on the charger match the battery
(voltage and amperage) and that the polarity is correct! Never charge if the battery is hot (over ambient temperature
or 105ºF). Let it cool first!
- We suggest a fireproof container for storing any rechargeable batteries. LiPo batteries in storage for an
extended period of time should be stored at 60 percent of their capacity. If storing for only a short time, then leaving
them with a full charge is fine. Never store them in a discharged state! Do not store the battery in high-heat
conditions. 60º to 72ºF is acceptable.
Damaged Battery
- Damaged battery’s must be discarded immediately. We suggest removing the insulation from
around the battery, then submerging the battery in a bowl of saltwater for 24 to 36 hours. This will completely
discharge the battery. Cut off the wires, place the battery in a sealed bag, then discard it in the trash.
Never charge your LiPo battery unattended. Not ever! Never charge your LiPo battery inside your car and
Never leave your LiPo battery in a place where it will be stored over 120ºF (i.e., in your car in the summertime).