We will now start the fuselage side sub-
assemblies; make sure you make a left
and a right side. Place one of the fuse-
lage sides on the registration pins using
holes A and D. Slide FD down the pins to
test fit. When satisfied with the fit, remove
FD and apply thick CA to the back (the
side facing the FS assembly) and then
reinstall it onto the pins and slide it into
contact with the FS assembly. Apply even
pressure until the CA has cured. Repeat
this process for the remaining side and
remember to make it a mirror image of the
side you just created.
If you are building the trike version, re-
move the dash cut material by register pin
holes G and H.
Next we will install the mains landing gear
brace (GB). If your are building the stan-
dard gear version (tail dragger) install the
register pins in holes E and F and install
GB. If you building the trike version, in-
stall the register pins in holes G and H
and install GB
Place the register pins in holes B and C
and install and glue the fuselage wing
saddle (FWS).
ABOVE: The right fuselage side with a registration pin inserted
in holes A and D ready to install the doubler FD.
BELOW: With the registration pins inserted in holes G and H,
the gear brace for the trike version is being installed.