Prepare TE, TES and TESB. Note that the notches in TESB are 1/4” deep on one side and 3/16”
deep on the other. Place it on the bench with the 1/4” side facing you. Install and glue TES in the
front (3/16”) notches. It is best to place this up against a straight edge to insure that the assembly
will be straight.
Install TE into the 1/4” notches facing you, this is the trailing edge sub-assembly.
7 Prepare the top and bottom sheer webs
SW-T and SW-B. When preparing the
sheer webs, remove the small half el-
lipse shaped pieces at the root ends but
DO NOT remove the dash cut material
8 Prepare two spar box caps SBC. We will
be gluing these to each sheer web in the
following steps. Lay the sheer webs on the
bench with the labeled side up. (NOTE:
When assembling the right wing you will
want these on the bench with the labeled
side down.) Place one SBC on the regis-
ter pins as shown in the same orientation
as SW-T.
(Photo A)
Slide SW-T down into
contact with SBC. Very lightly, tack glue
SW-T to SBC through the small half el-
lipse openings
(Photo B)
. Tack glue to the
outside edge, NOT the inside edge. When
cured, carefully remove from the pins and
flip the assembly over. Glue SBC to SW-T
at the inboard end
(Photo C)
then flip the
assembly over with the labeled side up.
Carefully cut along the dash cut lines and
remove the internal section of balsa from
(Photo D)
. This will become the
socket for the wing joiner and is intention-
ally a snug fit. If there is any material in
side the pocket it must be removed now.
Glue SW-T and SBC along the entire in-
side line of the joiner opening.
Tack Glue Here
9 Locate and prepare all wing ribs W1
through W12. Note that W1, W2 and W3
are two piece ribs.
Starting with W4 in the first slot next to
SBC, slide each rib into the appropriate
notch in SW-B.