Charge the Batteries
1. In the fuselage (fuse), connect the plug from the battery
pack, labeled “BATTERY 1”, to the plug from the on/off switch,
labeled “BATTERY 2.”
2. As shipped, the rechargeable batteries in the SuperStar
MKII are only partially charged. If you wish to begin assembly
right away, go ahead and do so. If the batteries quit while
performing the Setup procedures (beginning on page 4), they will
have to be charged at that time for 16 hours. If you don't plan to
begin assembly now, go ahead and charge the batteries for 10
hours now. To do so, connect the receiver charge cord coming
from the charger to the connector coming from the on/off switch
in the fuse labeled “CHARGE”. Connect the other charge cord
directly to the transmitter. After the “Setup” procedures have been
performed, recharge the batteries for 10 hours. Fully discharged
batteries will require approximately 16 hours to fully charge. In
any case, the batteries must be charged before you go flying. For
additional battery charging information refer to the Futaba
instruction manual included with this kit.
Assemble the Wing
1. Note the metal alignment pin in right wing half. Insert the
steel rod into the wing. Then, slide both halves together,
aligning the pin in the trailing edge.
2. Use the two metal straps and four 3 x 6mm screws to hold
the wing halves together. Connect the one unattached pushrod
to the torque rod horn with the clevis and clevis retainer.
Assemble the Fuselage
1. Insert the stabilizer (stab) into the fuse.
2. Insert the fin into the stab, guiding the metal rods through
the holes in the stab and the bottom of the fuse. Secure the fin
and stab with a flat washer and a 3mm locknut. Be certain to
tighten the nuts securely, but do not over tighten so as to
damage the bottom of the fuse.