Section 2. Maintenance Procedures
A suggested Maintenance Schedule was provided in Section 1, of this Servicing Chapter. Each step of
the schedule was also covered in general in Section 1. This Section covers maintenance in more
details where necessary.
Stop operation immediately if a serious or possibly dangerous fault is discovered.
a. General
Proper lubrication is one of the most important steps in good maintenance procedure. Proper
lubrication means the use of correct lubricants and adherence to a proper time schedule.
Lubrication points, frequency of lubrication, and recommended lubricants are indicated in Figures 1
thru 4.
b. AC Generator
The 400 Hz generator requires NO lubrication.
c. Generator Controls
Generator controls and instruments require no periodic lubrication. A few drops of oil may be
required on door hinges occasionally to insure free and quiet operation.
d. Engine
Although the engine and its accessories require no more attention than any other similar installation,
they still inherently require a major portion of the generator set lubrication and maintenance.
Recommendations regarding engine lubrication have been taken from the engine manufacturer’s
“Operation and Maintenance Manual” and incorporated here to make them more readily available to
operators and maintenance personnel.
Lubrication schedule
Time schedules indicated on the Lubrication Chart, Fig. 4, are approximate. They are based on
average operating conditions. It may be necessary to lubricate more frequently under severe
operating conditions such as: low engine temperatures, high oil temperatures, or intermittent
operation. However, time intervals should not exceed those indicated in the chart without careful
Oil specification
Engine lubricating oil, recommended by the engine manufacturer, is identified by an API
(American Petroleum Institute) classification designation.
The use of quality lubricating oil, combined with appropriate lubricating oil drain and filter change
intervals are important factors in extending engine life.
Oil recommended for the diesel engines in this application is API Class CE/SG. Use a high
quality 15W-40 multi-viscosity lubricating oil, such as Cummins Premium Blue, or its equivalent
in Cummins engines. Choose the correct lubricating oil for your operating climate.
Lubricating oil is discussed in detail in the Cummins Operation and Maintenance Manual.
OM-2084 / Operation and Maintenance Manual
90CU24 / Series 500392 Generator Sets
November 27/1997
Chapter 2-2
Page 1