Modbus Server - KNX
User Manual r1.2 eng
© HMS Industrial Networks S.L.U - All rights reserved
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Modbus interface
acts as a slave device in its Modbus interface, this interface can be the Ethernet port (if using Modbus TCP),
or the EIA232/EIA485 ports (if using Modbus RTU). To access the points and resources of the Intesis from a Modbus
master device, you must specify as Modbus register addresses, those configured inside Intesis corresponding to
KNX signals. See details below in this document.
The Intesis can have Modbus RTU mode active, Modbus TCP mode active, or both modes active at the same time.
Functions supported
This part is common for Modbus TCP & RTU.
Modbus functions 01 and 02 (
coils and digital input registers
) can be used to read Modbus registers.
Modbus functions 03 and 04 (
read holding registers
read input registers
) can be used to read Modbus registers.
Modbus functions 05 and 15 (
Single digital Holding Registers
Write Multiple Holding Registers
) can be used to
write Modbus registers.
Modbus functions 06 and 16 (
Single Multiple Holding Registers
Write Multiple Holding Registers
) can be used
to write Modbus registers.
poll records
are used to read or write more than one register, it is necessary that the range of addresses requested
contains valid addresses; if not the corresponding Modbus error code will be returned.
All the registers are of 2 bytes, even if they are associated to signals of type bit in the external system, and its content
is expressed in MSB..LSB.
Modbus error codes are fully supported; they will be sent whenever a non-valid Modbus action or address is required.
Modbus RTU
Baud rate can be selected from 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 56700 and 115200.
Data Bits:8
Parity can be selected from: none, even, odd.
Stop Bits:1 and 2.
Modbus slave number can be configured. Physical connection (EIA232 or EIA485) can also be selected.
Only the lines RX, TX and GND of the EIA232 connector are used (TX/RX+ and TX/RX- for EIA485).
Modbus TCP
The TCP port to use can be configured (by default 502 is used).
The IP address, subnet mask and default router address to use by Intesis can be also configured.
Address Map
The Modbus address map is fully configurable; any point in the Intesis can be freely configured with the desired
Modbus register address.