6 ) For example, If you change the Raspberry Pi Wi-Fi name
to "Hiwonder" and password to "28433321" , you only need to modify
the command like the image below. Cautious: command only works
after uncomment "#" .
Image 8-13 Modify the Wi-Fi Name and Password
7 ) After the modification completed, press the "ESC" button on the
keyboard, then enter ":wq" to save the file and exit the program.
Image 8-14 Save and Exit the Program File
8 ) Enter "sudo systemctl restart hwWi-Fi. Service" , and click "Enter"
file to restart it. At this time, VNC will fail to connect Raspberry Pi. In
the Wi-Fi setting area, you can see that the Wi-Fi name has changed
to "Hiwonder". " , and enter the password "28433321" to connect.