5 ) Click the LX terminal in the upper left corner (or click the
shortcut key Ctrl+Alt+T ), enter "cd hexapod/" and press "Enter" to
locate the directory where the game program is stored.
Image l-4 Terminal Open Position
Image 1-5 Locate the Game Directory
6 ) Enter ls -l (
This 'l' is the English letter 'L'
Image 1-6 Enter the command to open the game program
7 ) Press Enter, you will find all the files in the directory displayed on the
LX terminal. The six .py files shown below are the gameplay file.
"Hexapond_balance.py" is the organism self-balance program,
"cv_color_tracking.py" is the body colour tracking program,
"cv_track_stream.py" is the cloud head colour tracking program,
"cv_color_stream.py" colour identification program, "cv_linefollow" is
line tracking program, and "sonar.py" is the ultrasonic obstacle
avoidance program