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Huiling-tech Robotic Co., Ltd
2.3 Image sketching
Recognition principle: firstly, it will transform the image into a grayscale image, and then
recognize each connected area and extracted the contour.
After entering the icon sketching module, click on the toolbox at the lower left corner,
and we can make a series of operations (as shown in Figure 14).
When we take pictures directly or import pictures from the gallery, the system will
automatically process the image, and then we will adjust the image according to three
dragging bars on the left side of the screen (resolution, fine tuning 1, fine tuning 2) (as shown
in Figure 15). After adjustment, click the "Print" button, the robotic arm will "draw" according
to the image.
Figure 14
Figure 15
1. The contrast of the colors in the selected image should be bigger, convenient for the system
to process.
2. The significance of the three vertical dragging bars shown in Figure 14:
The first dragging bar (resolution):
This value is used to adjust the image to grayscale, and
adjust the total effect map after recognition;
The second dragging bar (fine tuning 1):
Remove connected areas with component points
less than this value.
The third dragging bar (fine tuning 2):
Remove connected areas with component points more
than this value.