To choose a specific element to investigate, tap
to open the menu to label peaks.
To zoom in: use two fingers, starting together and spreading apart, to select an area to
expand. To return to the previous scale, double-tap the spectrum.
Regions of Interest (ROI): to select a particular area of the spectrum, select a scale
area that encompasses the energy level of interest and the entire peak of interest.
Count rates and information on the right side of the screen will now display
information for the selected region.
Results for all samples analyzed are stored in the on-board computer memory.
Thousands of results are saved before the oldest results are overwritten by new
results. It is good practice to backup and export analysis results on a regular basis.
Select Results from the pull-down menu.
All past sample results will be available as a list. Use the
to toggle
between sorting in a chronological list or in alphabetical order by sample name.
Select the
to show all results in a given week or named with a given name.
Alternatively, you can search for a specific sample result by typing part of the sample
name into the search box at the top of the screen.
To search, tap on
and type the date in the date box, or part of the sample name in
the sample name box and press
to begin the search.
Hitachi High-Tech Analytical Science