HITACHI Deskstar & CinemaStar 7K1000.B & Deskstar E7K1000 Hard Disk Drive specification
flagged uncorrectable status of a sector shall remain through a power cycle. If the drive is unable to process a
Write Uncorrectable EXT command for any reason the device shall abort the command.
Output Parameters To The Device
Feature Current
Uncorrectable options
55h :Create a pseudo-uncorrectable error with logging
AAh :Created a flagged error without logging
Other value : Reserved
Sector Count Current
The number of continuous sectors to be transferred low order, bits (7:0).
Sector Count Previous
The number of continuous sectors to be transferred high order bits (15:8). If zero
is specified, then 65,536 sectors will be transferred.
Sector Number Current
LBA (7:0).
Sector Number Previous
LBA (31:24).
Cylinder Low Current
LBA (15:8).
Cylinder Low Previous
LBA (39:32).
Cylinder High Current
LBA (23:16).
Cylinder High Previous
LBA (47:40).
Input Parameters From The Device
Sector Number (HOB=0)
LBA (7:0) of the address of the first unrecoverable error.
Sector Number (HOB=1)
LBA (31:24) of the address of the first unrecoverable error.
Cylinder Low (HOB=0)
LBA (15:8) of the address of the first unrecoverable error.
Cylinder Low (HOB=1)
LBA (39:32) of the address of the first unrecoverable error.
Cylinder High (HOB=0)
LBA (23:16) of the address of the first unrecoverable error.
Cylinder High (HOB=1)
LBA (47:40) of the address of the first unrecoverable error.