loose or corroded connection at the battery terminals can be a fire or explosion hazard, and
may cause erroneous operation of ATevo.
Measuring Output Ripple V
Measuring Output Ripple Voltage
Measure ac ripple at the battery terminals at least once a year, using an rms responding ac
voltmeter. If the battery Ampere-hour capacity is at least four (4) times the output current
rating of ATevo, the ripple voltage should be no higher than the value featured in the
specifications in Appendix A.
Checking R
Checking Remote Sense W
emote Sense Wiring –
iring –
If you wired ATevo for remote sense, check the signal connections to the battery or load,
making sure insulation is in satisfactory condition. If there is a failure of the remote sense
signal wiring, ATevo will generate an alarm.
Checking T
Checking Temperatur
emperature Compensation P
e Compensation Prrobe –
obe –
If you are using the optional Temperature Compensation Probe (A10), confirm the probe is
securely installed. Make sure the connectors and the wiring from the probe to ATevo are in
satisfactory condition. If there is a failure of the temperature compensation probe, or the
wiring, ATevo will generate an alarm.
Last modified: 10 March 2021
16.2. Ordering Replacement Parts
Ordering Replacement Parts
All ATevo Series battery chargers ship with a supplemental Parts Data Package Report,
itemizing all components within the unit.
Contact your sales representative to place an order for spare or replacement parts.
Please provide the following information for each component:
• model number and serial number of the ATevo battery charger
• reference designator, factory part number & description
• quantity required
Last modified: 3 March 2021
16.3. Replacing Defective Components
Replacing Defective Components
High voltages appear at several points inside ATevo. Use extreme caution
when working inside enclosure. Do not attempt to work inside ATevo unless
you are a qualified technician or electrician.
Disconnect and lock out all power from ATevo before starting to remove or
replace any components. Turn OFF ac power at distribution panel upstream
HindlePower Inc
ATevo Operations–Single Phase Input–Group II (30-100 Adc Output) - 1_en
Copyright HindlePower Inc. 2021
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