X-AO 16 01
3 Product Description
HI 801 111 E Rev. 4.00
Page 17 of 52
Analog Outputs
Number of analog outputs
16 with single channel connection.
8 with redundant connection.
2 of these outputs (AO1 and AO2; AO3 and
AO4) have a common ground potential.
The remaining channel pairs and the supply
voltage are electrically isolated.
Nominal range
4…20 mA
Operating range
0…23 mA
Digital resolution
16-bit (10 000 digits in SILworX)
Value of LSB
2 µA
Ohmic load
max. 600
Inductive load
max. 1 mH
Capacitive load
max. 100 µF in parallel to the ohmic load
Settling time
5 ms
Shutdown time if a fault occurs
(transition to the safe state)
16 ms
Metrological accuracy
Measurement accuracy at 25 °C, max.
± 0.2 % of final value
Metrological accuracy on full temperature,
± 0.5 % of final value
Temperature coefficient, max.
± 0.05 %/ K of final value
Measurement accuracy with HART
communication, max.
± 2 % of final value
Linearity error, max.
± 0.1 %
Safety-related accuracy
± 2 % of final value
Table 8: Specifications for the Analog Outputs