ETA 19/0665 v03 of 22/01/2020 page 1 of 18
Istituto per le Tecnologie
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EOTA Member
European Organisation for
Technical Assessment
Organisation Européenne
pour l’évaluation technique
European Technical Assessment
ETA 19/0665 of 22/01/2020
Trade name of the construction product
Hilti HIT-HY 200-R V3
Product family to which the construction
product belongs
Post-Installed Reinforcing Bar (Rebar)
Connections with Improved Bond-Splitting
Behaviour Under Static Loading
Hilti Corporation
Feldkircherstrasse 100
9494 Schaan | Liechtenstein
Manufacturing plant
Hilti Corporation
This European Technical Assessment
18 pages, including 10 annexes which form
an integral part of this assessment
This European Technical Assessment is
issued in accordance with Regulation (EU)
n° 305/2011, on the basis of
EAD 332402-00-0601
– Post-Installed
Reinforcing Bar (Rebar) Connections with
Improved Bond-Splitting Behaviour Under
Static Loading
This version replaces
ETA 19/0665 (version 02) of 03/12/2019
The European Technical Assessment is issued by ITC-CNR in English language. Translations of this
European Technical Assessment into other languages shall fully correspond to the original issued document
and should be identified as such. Communication of this European Technical Assessment, including
transmission by electronic means, shall be in full (excepted the confidential Annex(es) referred to above).
However, partial reproduction can be made with the written consent of ITC-CNR (issuing Technical
Assessment Body). In this case partial reproduction has to be designated as such.
according to
Article 29 of
Regulation (EU)