3. Retype the password into the “Confirm Password” field.
4. After an acceptable password has been created, a confirmation message will
appear on the screen.
5. Press the
button to proceed.
• SADP Software Activation (v2.2.3.5 or higher)
1. Launch the new version of the SADP software (v2.2.3.5).
- The software will display all Hikvision devices on the network.
- A new field called “Security” will be displayed
2. If the DVR/NVR is “Inactive,” highlight the DVR/NVR and enter a new password
into the “New Password” field on the bo
ttom right of the screen.
- The password strength will be displayed, accompanied by a color indicator:
Level 0–
(no indicator): Not acceptable
Level 1–
(pink indicator): Acceptable
Level 2–
(yellow indicator): Acceptable
Level 3–
(green indicator): Acceptable
- Bar length indicates strength level.
- Activation will not be allowed unless the password is of acceptable strength. If
the password is unacceptable strength (“Risky”), a warning box will be
3. Retype the password into the “Confirm Password” field.
4. After the password has been entered and confirmed, press the
button to
display the pop-up confirmation window.
5. Press the “X” in the top right corner of the pop-up confirmation window to dismiss
the window.
Available from A1 Security Cameras
www.a1securitycameras.com email: [email protected]