DS-TP50-12DT Terminal Server User Manual
Chapter 3 Getting Started
3.1 Starting Up and Shutting Down
Proper startup and shutdown procedures are crucial to expanding the life of the device.
3.1.1 Start Up
Before you start:
Fix the device in an equipment cabinet.
Ensure the device is properly grounded.
Plug the network cable
Step 1
Plug the power supply to start up.
Make sure the power supply is plugged into an electrical outlet. It is HIGHLY recommended that an
Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) be used in conjunction with the device.
3.1.2 Shutt Down
Unplug the power supply to shut down.
3.1.3 Reboot
For detailed steps, please refer to 13.3.1 Rebooting the Device.
3.2 Environment Requirement
Requirements on web browser and operation system are as follows:
Web Browser: Internet Explorer 8.0 and above version/Mozilla Firefox 30-52 version/Google
Chrome 31.0-45.0.2454.85.
Operating System: Windows 7/Windows 8/Windows 10 (32-bit or 64-bit).