Network Video Recorder User Manual
4. Configure the parameters as your desire.
You can specifically secure the stream data of live view by setting the RTSP authentication.
RTSP Authentication
Two authentication types are selectable, if you select digest, only the request with digest
authentication can access the video stream by the RTSP protocol via the IP address. For
security reasons, it is recommended to select digest as the authentication type.
ISAPI (Internet Server Application Programming Interface) is an open protocol based on HTTP,
which can realize the communication between the system devices (e.g., network camera,
NVR, etc.). The video recorder is used as a server, the system can find and connect the video
The admin user account can disable the HTTP service from the GUI or the web browser. After
the HTTP is disabled, all the related services, including ISAPI and ONVIF, will terminate as
HTTP Authentication
If you need to enable the HTTP service, you can set the HTTP authentication to enhance the
access security. Two authentication types are selectable. For security reasons, it is
recommended to select digest as the authentication type.
Camera Added Detection
The function detects the network camera status. If the network camera has been added by
another video recorder, the network camera status will show as
in Online Device list.
5. Click Apply.
7.4 Upgrade
Do not shutdown or turn off the power during upgrade.
7.4.1 Local Upgrade
Before You Start
Store the upgrade firmware to a backup device, and connect it to your device.
1. Click
at the upper-right corner.