Network Video Recorder User Manual
Figure 6-1 Basic Settings
Configure DST Settings
DST (Daylight Saving Time) refers to the period of the year when clocks are moved one period
ahead. In some areas worldwide, this has the effect of creating more sunlit hours in the evening
during months when the weather is the warmest.
Go to Configuration → System → General → DST Settings, configure the parameters as your
desire, and click Apply.
Configure More Settings
You can configure your device name, lock screen time, output mode, etc.
Go to Configuration → System → General → More Settings, configure the parameters as your
desire, and click Apply.
Device Name
Edit the video recorder name.
Device No.
The number is required in the connection with remote control, network keyboard, etc. Edit the
serial number of video recorder. The device number ranges from 1 to 255, and the default value
is 255.
Lock Screen