background image

5.  Install waist D-rings. Using a 

3-bar slide, install a D-ring, facing 
outward on each hip. This would 
be roughly 8-10 in. (20-25 cm) 
away from the plate (Fig. 5a & 5b). 




6.  Install the waist buckle. Weave 

the webbing from the rear slot 
towards the front. After passing 
through the front slot, reverse 
direction and pass the webbing 
through the rear slot once again 
(Fig. 6).


7.  Install the crotch strap. Position 

the SS adjuster with the bridge 
facing up. Pass the webbing 
through the large slot, under the 

bridge and out the narrow slot. 
Pass the webbing through the 
lower 2 in. (5 cm) slot, from back 
of plate to front of plate. Run the 
webbing back through the narrow 
slot of the adjuster, under the 
bridge and then out the large slot 
(Fig. 7). 



8.  Try on the harness with your 

exposure suit. Adjust to your 
personal comfort. Position all 
hardware. Trim excess webbing  
as needed with sharp scissors. 
Burn the raw ends with a lighter  
to prevent fraying.

Fig. 5a

Fig. 5b

Fig. 6

Fig. 7a

Fig. 7b
