High Valley 2500 Owner'S Manual Download Page 17










A Convec  on 

Blower is standard equipment with the Model 2500.  The 
Convec  on Blower increases the delivery of heated air into 
the home.  The Convec  on Blower is equipped with a Ther-
mal Switch (snap disk) which turns the blower on as the 
heater warms up and o

  as it cools, and a 3-speed Switch to 

adjust the blower speed in rela  on to the current burn rate.  
Addi  onal instruc  ons are on 

Page 23


• Set the Toggle Switch to "Therm" to allow the blower to 

turn on and o

  automa  cally.  Set the Toggle Switch to 

"Manual" to bypass the thermal switch.

•  Use the 3-speed Switch to turn the blower On/O

  and to 

increase/reduce the blower speed.

•  Match the Convec  on Blower speed to the burn rate.  Re-

duce the blower speed if cool air is coming from the vent.





The Model 2500 is equipped with a clear 

window which allows monitoring the condi  on of the 



without the need to open the Loading Door.  The transparent 
ceramic material has been safety tested for impact and ther-
mal resistance, however it can be damaged if it is abused.  
Inspect the ceramic glass frequently for signs of damage.  
Never operate the wood heater with damaged, cracked, or 
broken ceramic glass.  See 

Page 22


Creosote deposits will build up on the window, especially 
when burning low 


 res.  The deposits may burn o

  with a 





 use oven cleaners, harsh cleaners contain-

ing ammonia, or abrasive cleaners that may cause scratches 
that can develop into cracks.  Harsh chemicals can also per-
manently damage the catalyst.  A simple and cost e

 ec  ve 

solu  on is to use damp (not wet) black & white newspaper 
to remove light staining.  To remove heavier deposits, dip the 
newsprint (or a damp cloth) in a small amount of cold wood 
ash.  Special glass cleaners for woodstoves, formulated to 
dissolve creosote, are also available.  Check that they are la-
beled as safe for use with cataly  c equipped wood heaters.





 Remove ashes once they get 2" to 3" 

deep, or deep enough to impede the air inlet located be-
neath the Loading Door opening.  Remove ashes when the 


 re is ex  nguished or burned down to embers at the end of 

the charcoal stage of combus  on.  Use a steel rake to gather 
unburned charcoal or embers to one side and leave them 
in the 


 rebox to be consumed as fuel.  Remove spent ash 

only, leaving @ ½" to 1" of ash and hot coals in the 



to insulate the ember bed and ignite fresh fuel.  Again, try 
to avoid shoveling up hot coals or embers with the spent 
ash.  Embers can stay hot for days insulated in ashes.  Use a 
steel shovel to carefully remove the spent ashes into a steel 
container with a   ght-


    ng lid and move the container out-

doors immediately.  The closed container of ashes should 
be placed on a non-combus  ble surface or on bare ground, 
well away from any building and all combus  ble materials, 


 nal disposal.  If the ashes are to be disposed of by 

burial in soil or otherwise locally dispersed, they should be 
retained in the closed container un  l all embers have thor-
oughly cooled.  No other waste of any kind shall be placed 
in this container.
Some ashes may spill while removing them from the 



box.  Ashes can be vacuumed up once they are completely 
cool but ash may pass through the 


 lter.  Special vacuums, 

equipped with heat resistant 


 lters and designed for ash 

clean-up and removal, are available through your dealer.





 The amount and density of smoke com-

ing from the chimney is a visual indicator of how cleanly the 
wood heater is burning.  Develop a habit of checking the 
smoke opacity regularly, and at various stages of combus-

 on.  With experience a quick glance can con


 rm proper op-

era  on or signal that something needs a  en  on.  Modern 
cataly  c equipped wood heaters can burn wood very cleanly 
and e

  ciently but, ul  mately, they rely on the operator to 

engage the Cataly  c Combustor at the proper   mes and to 
adjust the combus  on air properly.  Timing and air se   ngs 
are dependent on the dra   of the chimney, the fuel being 
burned, and the stage of combus  on.  Ideally you will ob-
serve li   le or no smoke (0% opacity).  Dense smoke indicates 
poor combus  on.  Be aware that in cold weather what looks 
like smoke could be moisture vapor condensing in cold air. 






 When wood 

is burned slowly, it produces tar and other organic vapors 
which combine with moisture to form creosote.  At one 

 me it was popular to install a very large "air-  ght" wood-

stove, load it full of wood, and reduce the combus  on air; 
perfect condi  ons for producing creosote.  Modern cataly  c 
equipped wood heaters, properly operated and maintained, 
burn o

  the smoke and creosote that older stoves produced, 

but the same elements are present.  Tars and vapors, com-
bined with moisture, can condense in the chimney at tem-
peratures below @ 250°F.  The resul  ng creosote can accu-
mulate, clinging   ghtly to the 


 ue liner and, if ignited, can 

create a very hot and dangerous chimney 



Creosote producing tars and vapors are burned at tempera-
tures over 1100°F in the presence of the Cataly  c Combustor.  
The Combustor will consume the smoke and creosote pro-
ducing tars if it is properly ac  vated and supplied with suf-


 cient combus  on air.  Even s  ll, in a rela  vely cool chimney, 

especially an exterior masonry chimney, the exhaust gasses 
can cool before they exit the 


 ue and some creosote will be 

produced.  The chimney connector and chimney should be 
inspected at least once every two months during the hea  ng 
season, or more frequently as needed, to determine if creo-
sote build-up has occurred.  Contact your High Valley dealer 
or local chimney sweep if you are uncertain how to inspect 
the ven  ng system.  Always have the chimney cleaned at the 
end of the burning season or before resuming opera  on.

I   C







If your wood heater is 

operated properly to maintain clean, e

  cient combus  on, 

connected to a good chimney, burning good, dry wood, and 
inspected regularly, a chimney 


 re should be an unlikely oc-

currence.  If a chimney 


 re does occur it can be dangerous 

and frightening.  Chimney 


 res are o  en accompanied by a 

loud rushing sound and, at   mes, banging noises within the 

Should a chimney 


 re occur, alert everyone in the 

home and leave the building immediately.

  Contact the 



department.  If it appears safe to reenter the home close 
the Air Control and manual damper (if so equipped) wear-
ing a heat resistant glove, to cut o

  air to the 


 re.  Do not 

throw water on the wood heater.  Thermal shock could break 
the ceramic glass causing smoke and/or ember spillage, or 
otherwise damage the wood heater.  Have the chimney in-
spected and cleaned or repaired as necessary before resum-
ing opera  on of the wood heater.

Summary of Contents for 2500

Page 1: ...ou if you are required to obtain a permit before installa on Failure to follow these instrucƟons can result in property damage bodily injury or even death Owner s Manual Safety Installa on Opera on Maintenance Guidelines INSTALLER Leave this manual with the individual s responsible for opera ng this wood heater OPERATOR The Owner s Manual contains important safety opera ng and maintenance informa ...

Page 2: ...al remains Salt water dri wood or other previously salt water saturated materials Unseasoned wood or Paper products cardboard plywood or par cleboard The prohibi on against burning these ma terials does not prohibit the use of fire starters made from paper cardboard saw dust wax and similar substances for the purpose of star ng a fire in an affected wood heater Burning these materials may result in...

Page 3: ...rtant safety no ces and informa on may be repeated a number of mes The repe on is inten onal in an effort to reinforce safety instruc ons and to place them in context U S EPA E S T I P 2 G S I S P Page 4 I P P 5 C P P 6 C R G P 7 C C T D P 8 M 2500 F S C P 9 P I A P 10 F W H I P 11 F W H C C P 12 M 2500 M F I P 13 F I D S I P 14 P O A P 15 M 2500 F C P 15 O G P 16 17 T I P 18 C I T I P 19 C C R C P...


Page 5: ...number would depend on the size and layout of the home Installing your wood heater in an uninsulated basement is not recommended Much of the heat produced will be lost to the uninsulated walls of the basement Never cut holes or vents in a ceiling floor in an a empt to get warm air to rise to the rooms above You will be compromising a firebreak in your home and could should a fire ensue jeopardize ...

Page 6: ...flue of the Model 2500 and can be an acceptable op on assuming that the masonry chimney provides adequate dra The cross sec onal area of an 8 round flue is 50 sq in Area πr2 or A π42 or A 3 14 X 16 where Pi 3 1416 The cross sec onal area of an 8 square masonry flue le is 64 sq in However masonry chimneys commonly have 8 x 12 96 sq in or even 12 x 12 144 sq in flue les which would be two 2X to thre...

Page 7: ...ges roof flashings chimney caps etc must be installed exactly to the manufacturer s instructions Installation specification and clearances may vary from manufacturer to manufacturer and must be carefully adhered to according to the individual manufacturer s instructions If a new masonry chimney is to be constructed the use of a professional masonry contractor is strongly recommended Specialized kn...

Page 8: ...s bles by a minimum of 6 inches 152mm of glass fiber insula on Opening shall be covered and thimble supported with a sheet steel support minimum 24 gauge 0 024 inch 0 61mm in thickness Supports shall be securely fastened to wall surfaces on all sides and shall be sized to fit and hold chimney sec on Fasteners used to secure chimney sec on shall not penetrate chimney flue liner Solid insulated list...

Page 9: ...L 1618 Type 2 R 0 45 3 8 Asbestos Millboard or Equivalent with k 0 84 NOTE Clearances to combus ble materials may be reduced using shielding methods as described in the current edi on of NFPA 211 Standard for Chimneys Fireplaces Vents and Solid Fuel Burning Appliances Any reduc on of clearances must be approved by the local Authority Having Jurisdic on M 2500 F S C M 2500 L M 2500 P Model 2500 Ove...

Page 10: ...aler has the material handling equipment and experience to handle the weight of the Model 2500 Laying the Model 2500 on its back to install the legs is not recommended Leg breakage can occur as the assembled wood heater is being pped upright If you opt for this method remove the firebricks that line the firebox before pping the body Carefully li the body onto sturdy blocks or jacks capable of supp...

Page 11: ...c on and allow final posi oning of the wood heater Remove the cardboard before ligh ng the first fire in the wood heater The wood heater should be centered on the chimney if possible to allow for the shortest and most direct connec on The wood heater does not necessarily need to be centered on the floor protec on as long as the minimum side protec on requirement 8 is met An asymmetrical installa o...

Page 12: ...ctly under the chimney pipe if possible All Clearances to combus bles must be maintained Confirm that any ceiling support roof support fire stops insula on shields etc are installed cor rectly and match the brand of Type HT 2100 chim ney being used If the wood heater must be offset from the chim ney opening use 15 or 45 pipe elbows to make correc ons for the offset Crimped connector pipe ends must p...

Page 13: ... nector installa on Ovalized connector pipe is available to fit through the damper opening and stainless steel damper adapter kits are available to seal the damper opening Save the damper plate and all parts If the insert is removed in the future the fireplace can be returned to working order Use only liner materials listed to appropriate UL standards and carefully follow all instruc ons provided ...

Page 14: ...ound Remove the paper tape and adhere the gaske ng to the inside surface of the flanges facing the Insert body Start the four pressure screws into the tabs in the Surround Do not let the cap screw threads project through the tabs to prevent marring the Model 2500 Insert finish Check that the Insert is centered side to side in the fireplace open ing The front edge of the Insert top should be no mor...

Page 15: ...rning wood heater Thermal shock could break the ceramic glass exacerbat ing the problem Hot steam could increase the risk of burns or scalding ALWAYS USE SAFE BURNING PRACTICES B S W F O This wood heater is designed and approved for the burn ing of cord wood fuel only Never burn any type of coal in this heater Burning any type of fuel other than cord wood in this wood heater is against all safety ...

Page 16: ...seems uncontrollable consult your dealer A hand damper installed in the connector pipe will allow for manual control under high dra condi ons CAUTION Before ligh ng your cataly c equipped wood heater please read and or re read the safety informa on on Pages 2 4 15 and elsewhere throughout this man ual Ensure that the wood heater has been installed accord ing to the instruc ons given in this manual...

Page 17: ...cial vacuums equipped with heat resistant filters and designed for ash clean up and removal are available through your dealer S O The amount and density of smoke com ing from the chimney is a visual indicator of how cleanly the wood heater is burning Develop a habit of checking the smoke opacity regularly and at various stages of combus on With experience a quick glance can confirm proper op era o...

Page 18: ...rding to the guidelines on Page 16 17 You must develop and use good wood burning habits always open the Bypass Damper and Air Controls before opening the Loading Door and always open the Loading Door slowly to avoid pulling smoke from the firebox into the home A modern wood heater properly installed and connected to a good chimney which provides adequate dra should not leak smoke into the home Air...

Page 19: ... on the probe is normal and does not affect the performance of the thermometer If you do choose to clean the probe stove glass cleaner made for dissolving creosote on ceramic glass should be used to gently wipe the probe C T The cataly c combustor technology used in the Model 2500 is similar in many ways to the cata ly c converters used on automobiles equipped with internal combus on engines Both u...

Page 20: ...pt to remove the combustors from the housing at this stage Make a careful visual inspec on of the cataly c combustors Ash and soot residue on the combustors is normal and it can be gently removed with a so paint brush and or a vacuum cleaner with a so brush a achment With the loose ash removed con nue to inspect the cataly c combustor elements If only normal ash and soot accumula on are observed f...

Page 21: ...s fallen out of the combustor F I Flame impingement occurs when open flame penetrates the cataly c combustors The Cataly c Combustor Housing is designed to minimize flame impingement by shielding the combustors from open flame S ll if the firebox is overloaded with wood and a roaring fire is established strong dra can suck flames into the combustor P S Aggressive cleaning with s ff brushes or hard ...

Page 22: ...move the hinge pins and set them aside Lay the Loading Door face down on a well padded work surface Allow the Door Handle to hang over the edge of the table Remove the eight 8 screws and retainer clips Wearing gloves remove any remaining pieces of ceramic Place the replacement ceramic glass on a clean sec on of the pad ded work area Remove a short sec on of the paper backing that covers the gas ke...

Page 23: ...turn the blower on and off automa cally based on tem perature and a Toggle Switch that allows the operator to choose between automa c and manual on off control P C The Power Cord is pre wired to exit the le side of the Convec on Blower Cover The Power Cord can be rerouted to exit on the right side of the Cover if a power outlet is more readily available on the right side of the installa on If you ar...

Page 24: ...e 9 months for so woods and up to 24 months for hard woods to air dry thoroughly C Clean efficient combus on in your wood heater depends on burning well seasoned good quality fuel Buying seasoned wood in the burning season is ex pensive and o en disappoin ng The best advice is to get green wood in early spring and air dry it yourself If you don t cut your own wood find a reputable reliable wood sell...

Page 25: ...18 the Standard for Wall Protectors Floor Protectors and Hearth Extensions was adopted as a standard in 2011 UL 1618 categorizes floor and wall protectors as Type 1 or Type 2 protec on A seemingly minor change in UL 1618 calls for the actual thermal proper es of floor protec on to be speci fied in R value in place of k value In fact that change makes it one step simpler to calculate thermal protec...

Page 26: ... of corrosive fuel etc Damage caused by unauthorized modifica on use or repair Damage caused by the use of non High Valley spare parts or accessories Damage caused by lack of regular maintenance and cleaning by the owner as outlined in the Opera ng Instruc ons or due to negligence or carelessness Damage caused by misuse accident neglect or willful abuse of the product Damage caused by the use of a...

Page 27: ...csimile of the Safety Label which is a ached to the back of your Model 2500 is provided for the convenience of the owner the Authority Having Jurisdic on or any other inspector who wishes to verify the contents of the label In some installa ons the label is not easily accessible Please record the serial number off the original label for your records ...

Page 28: ...H V S S 185 Highway 201 Abbeville SC 29620 www highvalleystoves com HL2550 Rev 05 2015 NOTES ...
