HD-MAX Echo Sounder User Guide
Network types: Set based on the GPS network modules applied. GPRS,
CDMA and GSM are optional.
APN: Input corresponding operator name.
Server IP and port: Can manually input server IP and port, as well as click
[File] to display existing server lists as shown in Figure 15-10. Select the
required server, and click on the button
Figure 18-10 Server list
"Add": Add an existing server address information into the server list.
"Update": Modify the existing server address information.
"Remove": Delete the existing server address information.
Network: Include ZHD and CORS. If a HI-TARGET server is used, please
select ZHD and input the grouping number as well as sub-grouping number.
If CORS is selected, source node, user name and password have to be input.
Grouping number and sub-grouping number: They are in 7-digit and 3-digit
respectively. The grouping number is required to be less than 255.
VPN setting: Click button
. Input network user name and password.
[Built-in Radio]: To apply GPS built-in radio module to receive differential
data signals. When choose a built-in radio, the radio channels have to be set