TESTS Ref BS8303 (2018)
Flue pressure requirements
The minimum recommended flue pressure for
his stove is 12Pa. Provided the flue pressure
reading is within the 12Pa to 18Pa range then
the stove should operate satisfactorily –
subject to any spillage test outcomes. Where
the flue pressure is less than 12Pa appropriate
steps should be taken to improve this.
Cold Conditions Spillage Test
This test is used to determine that a suitable
flue draught has been established which will
ensure that during the start-up operation,
as well as refuelling, spillage does not occur.
Close all external doors and windows, as
well as the internal door(s) to the room the
stove is located in and ensure all closable
ventilators (eg window trickle vents) are
closed and all devices that extract air from the
dwelling are turned off (eg bathroom, tumble
drier etc).
Preheat the flue to establish a sufficient
updraught by either lighting a small fire
burning kindling or using a blow torch or
electric fan heater.
Ensure that the stove’s air-control is set to
the maximum open position (slide right). Light
a smoke pellet (preferably 5m3/30 sec) and
place inside the stove firechamber and shut
the stove door.
Check that all of the smoke enters the flue
and none of it enters the room through any
part of the stove, its connecting flue pipe or
the external air supply duct joint.
Note: If smoke does enter the room then
repeat stage 2 above. However, this time build
a much greater kindling fire, or significantly
increase the time the blow torch or electric
fan heater is used to warm the flue so that an
improvement in the flue draught is generated.
Again, light a smoke pellet and place inside
the stove firechamber and close the stove
If the second spillage test still fails, then
progressively open a window in the room
where the stove is installed. If the flue starts
to draw the smoke, then this will indicate that
the stove has not previously been provided
with sufficient air for the flue to function
correctly and therefore a permanently open
air vent, as specified in Document J (or
equivalent), may be necessary to correct
the problem. When the air supply has been
corrected then repeat the previous tests.
If smoke continues to spill after opening a
window, this would indicate a more serious
problem (for example a flue blockage or
insufficient flue height) which must be rectified
and then the commissioning process repeated.
Hot Conditions Spillage Test
This test requires a smoke match / pen and
is used to determine that the flue draught is
consistent between cold and hot operation.
Once the initial flue draught has been
verified as sufficient, light a good sized fire in
the stove according to the instructions in this
handbook, using the recommended fuel load
and air control position(s). Allow the stove to
reach normal operating temperature before
Close all external doors and windows, as
well as the internal door(s) to the room the
stove is located in and ensure all closable
ventilators (eg window trickle vents) are
closed and any devices that extract air from
the dwelling are turned off (eg bathroom,
tumble drier etc).
Open the stove door, and with a
smoke match / pen (15 second burn time),