open the air control (slide right). This will
make any remaining embers glow red which
will help the new logs to start burning quickly
when they are added. Rake the embers and
spread them out to make an even bed. You
may need to add some kindling to re-estab-
lish the fire. Add the new wood as discussed
before ensuring that the logs are not tightly
After loading, and only when the new fuel is
burning well and the logs have turned a light
ash grey colour (see phase 3 above), adjust
the air control to your requirements.
Never overfill the firechamber and also avoid
over-sized pieces of wood which will ‘slow’
the fire down at the start but then could lead
to over-firing later.
Specific instructions regarding
operating this stove in a UK Smoke
Control Area
To meet your legal obligations when operating
this stove in a UK Smoke Control Area this
stove must be operated correctly to minimise
the amount of smoke it produces.
• Burn only dry fully seasoned wood with
a moisture content of less than 20%. Never
burn wet or green wood.
• The maximum amount of fuel specified in
this manual (0.80kg) should not be exceeded
– see page 7. Never overfill the stove so that
you have to turn it down or slumber burn for
long periods as this will create smoke and soot
which is harmful to the local air quality.
• This instruction book should be left with the
end-user and anyone planning on using the
Refuelling on to a low firebed
When refuelling you must ensure that there
is a sufficient quantity of glowing embers and
ash so that the new fuel charge will quickly
ignite. Refuelling on an inadequate bed of
embers will create excess smoke and will
take much longer. It is very much easier and
quicker to ‘start’ again by adding a suitable
quantity of kindling to the remaining embers
ensuring that there are sufficient brightly
burning flames before medium sized logs are
Never overload this stove
The maximum amount of fuel specified in this
manual (see page 7) should not be exceeded.
Overloading can cause excess smoke and is
also dangerous.
Never operate this stove with
the door open
This stove is not designed to be operated with
the door left open, except as directed in these
instructions. This can cause excess smoke and
can be dangerous.
Avoid operating this stove with
the air control left fully open
Using this stove with the air control left fully
open can cause excess smoke. This stove must
not be operated with the air control or door
left open, except as specifically directed in
these instructions. See pages 21 to 24.