Fan PV 12000
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Table of contents
About this operating manual -------------------- 21
The purpose of this manual. ----------------- 21
Keep the manual safe and at hand at all
times ----------------------------------------------- 21
Symbols and definitions used --------------- 21
Warranty ------------------------------------------ 22
Contact to HEYLO GmbH -------------------- 22
Safety ---------------------------------------------------- 23
Operating conditions --------------------------- 24
Personal protective equipment -------------- 24
Product description --------------------------------- 25
Identification of the machine ----------------- 25
General description ---------------------------- 25
Intended use --------------------------- 26
Foreseeable misuse ------------------ 26
Safety devices ----------------------------------- 26
Operating and display elements ------------ 26
Operating and display elements ------------ 27
Transport and installation ------------------------ 27
Commissioning and operation ------------------ 28
Faults ---------------------------------------------------- 28
Restarting after an unscheduled
downtime ----------------------------------------- 29
Malfunctions during operation --------------- 29
Cleaning and maintaining the device --------- 30
Servicing, inspecting and cleaning the
device --------------------------------------------- 31
Wear and spare parts ------------------------- 32
Repairs -------------------------------------------------- 32
Decommissioning, storage and disposal ---- 33
Decommissioning ------------------------------ 33
Storing the device ------------------------------ 33
Disposal ------------------------------------------ 33
Technical details ------------------------------------- 33
Supplementary documents ---------------------- 34
List of wear and spare parts ----------------- 34
Declaration of conformity --------------------- 34
Circuit diagram ---------------------------------- 34