www.myhexagone.com • [email protected] • Tél. +33 1 34 34 11 55
General Conditions of Sale Hexagone Manufacture S.A.S.
The length of warranty for the defective equipment or part under guarantee shall be extended by a duration equal to
the time spent in our servicing department where this is longer than a week. Outside of warranty repairs are subject
to an estimated charge of 150 Euros less tax. This amount is only due if the Customer turns down repairs.
Any parts delivered by Hexagone Manufacture S.A.S. shall be invoiced at the moment of delivery.
In cases of warranty claims, saiddefective piece shall be returned to Hexagone Manufacture S.A.S. within a month
maximum for assessment and work. Beyond this time, we can no longer accept it. Hexagone Manufacture S.A.S.
shall in no case be held solely responsible for the cleanliness of pools. It is therefore recommended that the Customer
always have access to a substitute for a defective machine.
If a technician from Hexagone Manufacture S.A.S. should establish that the breakdown is not covered by warranty, the
technician may invoice for the uncovered problem in line with to the current tariff.
Following testing of equipment under guarantee whose defect has not been found during servicing, the Customer shall be billed
for the time spent looking for the defect.
Mode of intervention: you can contact the technical service by calling 0134341155 or any other Hexagone Manufacture
S.A.S. agency. For work done under warranty, equipment or parts may only be sent to the following address: Hexagone
Manufacture S.A.S., 34 rue du Perouzet,95100 Argenteuil, France, quality service.
To request work under warranty, the Customer must fill in a sheet authorising the work, including the device’s serial
number, the in-service date, the number of the replacement part, as well as observations regarding the defect observed.
Any technical documents sent to our clients remain the exclusive property of Hexagone Manufacture S.A.S., the sole
holder of intellectual property rights over these documents, and must be returned to us upon request. In accordance with
laws currently in force, it is forbidden for customers to fully or partly reproduce our technical and commercial documents
and to make any use of them which is liable to violate the industrial or intellectual property rights of our company. The
Customer shall undertake not to divulge these to any third party.
We reserve the right to ask for removal of our products from sale on a website which does not respect our commercial policy in
terms of price and trading conditions.
In cases where any one of the Customer obligations is not respected by the latter, sale may be terminated fully within
rights, and goods returned to Hexagone Manufacture S.A.S. as it sees fit, without prejudice to any damages or interests
which Hexagone Manufacture S.A.S. may assert to the Customer, within 48 hours after a formal notice which goes
unanswered. In this case, Hexagone Manufacture S.A.S. is within its rights to seek a fixed rate of compensation of 15%
of the total sale price from the Customer, as well as default interests and any legal fees incurred.
In accordance with the provisions in articles R543-195 and R543-196 of the Environment Code modified by Decree
n°2014-928 of the 19 August 2014, our Company has hereby joined the accredited eco-body LOXY at Parc d’Activité du
Vert Galant 17 rue Antoine Balard – 95310 Saint-Ouen l’Aumône (RCS Pontoise 482.644.952) with a view to ensuring the
collection and treatment of professional waste electrical and electronic equipment.
This contract is governed by French law. The application of the Vienna Convention on Contracts for the International Sale
of Goods is specifically excluded. Any dispute relating to the forming, implementation or termination of contractual obligations
between the parties which does not lead to amicable settlement shall be referred to the French courts. In case
of any dispute with professionals and/or merchants, this shall be referred to the TRIBUNAL OF COMMERCE OF PONTOISE
within whose area of jurisdiction Hexagone Manufacture S.A.S.’s headquarters is situated, whatever the conditions of
sale and mode of payment accepted may be, even in cases of incidental claims, warranty appeal or of more than one
respondent, Hexagone Manufacture S.A.S. reserves the right to refer the case to the competent local jurisdiction where
the Customer’s headquarters are situated.
If one of the clauses or provisions of these GCS should be annulled or declared void by a definitive court ruling, such nullity or void
nature shall be without prejudice to the other clauses and provisions, which shall continue to apply.
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