AP Provisioning |
The conductor AP will reject the association request of the member AP if its configuration is not supported
by the cluster. A member AP will be deemed incompatible by the cluster if there is a image class mismatch,
regulatory domain mismatch, or OEM mismatch between the member AP and the conductor AP.
Run the
show swarm state
command in the CLI of the member AP to view the swarm details. Check the
AP swarm state
to see if the member AP is allowed in the network. The AP swarm state will display
if the member AP is not supported in the cluster. Use the
show log system
command to get additional information about the cause for mismatch.
The sample below displays the swarm status of the member AP, generated by the
show swarm state
(Member AP)# show swarm state
AP Swarm State
mesh auto eth0 bridging
Config in flash
factory SSID in flash :yes
extended-ssid configured :yes
extended-ssid active
advanced-zone configured :no
Factory default status
Source of system time
:Image file
Config load cnt
VC Channel index
IDS Client Gateway Detect :yes
Config Init success cnt for heartbeat
Config Init success cnt for register
Config Init skipping cnt for heartbeat
Config Init skipping cnt for register
Config Init last success reason
Config Init last success time
The following are probable causes for member-cluster incompatibility:
Type of
Log Event
Image class
Member AP and
the APs in the
cluster belong to
different image
AP class not match, Conductor-X, member -Y
Member AP and
the APs in the
cluster are of
AP regulatory domains don't match Conductor-X, member-Y
OEM Mismatch
Member AP and
the APs in the
cluster are of
different OEMs
AP regulatory domains don't match Conductor-X, member-Y
In the event of a image class mismatch, image download can be facilitated through Activate, or AirWave,
or Central platform. If either one of these management platforms are configured in the cluster, the member AP
will install the appropriate image file from the cloud platform, reboot, and join the cluster.