Table 8.1 Troubleshooting (Continued)
Points to Check
Abnormal point cloud
(misaligned points, flashing
points, or incomplete FOV)
Make sure the LiDAR
s enclosure is clean. If not, refer to Chapter 7 Sensor Maintenance for the cleaning method
Make sure the LiDAR
s calibration file is imported. (Pandar40P automatically imports the calibration file, while
Pandar40 requires manual importing)
Check for packet loss. If no packet is missing while the point cloud flashes, please update PandarView to the latest
version and restart the PC. If problem persists, try connecting the LiDAR to another PC
GPS cannot be locked
Make sure the GPS receiver is properly connected
Make sure the PPS signal is connected to the LiDAR
Make sure the Destination GPS Port is correct on the Settings page of web control
Make sure the input GPS signals satisfy the electrical requirements in Section 2.2 Interface and Section 2.3.1
Connection Box Interfaces in the user manual