Play a PCAP File
Jump to the beginning of the file
While paused, jump to the previous frame
While playing, rewind. May click again to adjust the rewind speed (2x, 3x, 1/2x,
1/4x, and 1x)
After loading a point cloud file, click to play the file
While playing, click to pause
While paused, jump to the next frame.
While playing, forward. May click again to adjust the forward speed (2x, 3x, 1/2x,
1/4x, and 1x)
Jump to the end of the file
Save a single frame to .CSV (the XYZ coordinates as the first three columns)
While playing, this Record button will be gray and unclickable
While playing, click to loop playback. Otherwise the player will stop at the end of the file
Save multiple frames to .PCAP
Specify the start and end frames
Save multiple frames to .CSV (the XYZ coordinates as the last three columns)
Drag this progress bar or enter a frame number to jump to a specific frame