– 7 for Monday – Sunday (so 1 is Monday, 2 is
Tuesday etc).
5. Press the Return button once you have selected
the right day.
Mode temperature settings
The T1 has 3 temperature modes. Use these modes if
the 7 day schedule is not required, or to override the
– for example select “Comfort” if you are at
home all day, or “Energy Saving” to economise on
heat, or “Away” when you are on holiday.
The comfort mode is displayed as a
symbol (e.g.
The energy-saving mode is displayed as a
(e. g. 20.5°C).
The holiday mode is displayed as a
symbol (e.g.
To set Mode temperature:
Press the MENU
button, the Comfort Mode
temperature symbol
will be displayed.
Change the temperature using the Up and Down
buttons. “SET” is displayed indicating you have
changed the setting.
Press MENU again to display the Energy Saving
mode temperature
. Change the temperature
using the Up and Down buttons. “SET” is
displayed indicating you have changed the setting.
Press MENU again to display the Holiday (Away)
Mode temperature
. Change the temperature
using the Up and Down buttons. “SET” is
displayed indicating you have changed the setting.
Return to the main page by pressing the Return
To select a mode at any time, press the MENU button.
This selection will override the schedule or current
temperature setpoint. For example by selecting
Holiday mode (using the MENU button) the T1 will
maintain your holiday temperature setting until
another mode is selected.