di Series User/Software Manual
dipperLog Software Overview
About dipperLog Software
The dipperLog Software is Heron’s free dipperLog control application for any of your Heron
Instruments data loggers. Available for all Windows operated computers/tablets, you can take the
dipperLog Software to any job site. Tested to run on Windows 10 x86 laptops, desktops and tablets.
Will run on Windows 8, 7, Vista and XP. The dipperLog Software allows users to deploy dipperLogs,
view real-time readings, adjust a deployment, record & compensate data and export data in either .txt
or .csv format.
Device Setup
The device setup tab is used only when setting up a new logger.
: if you have a logger already on a mission, this tab will be inaccessible. When you plug in a new
logger, or one that is not on a mission, the device setup tab will open automatically.
To start a new deployment, fill out the provided form to set up the logger.
Job Number:
5 Digits (Numbers/Letters) to Represent Job Site.
Well Number:
5 Digits (Numbers/Letters) to Represent Particular Well.
Take Reading After:
Refers to the frequency of readings (Seconds, Minutes, Hours, Log Time).
Transducer Depth:
The depth/distance the logger will be from the reference point (Ground level, Top
of casing etc.). You can press the “Realtime” button to use the current depth if deploying while the
logger is down the well (Direct Read Models).
Delayed Start:
Check the box and select the time and date you would like to start the recording
Set Logger Date and Time:
This field allows you to set your logger to a different time or time zone
than your computer (i.e. Daylight Savings vs Standard).
Reset Form:
Will clear all fields of the form.
Save & Start:
Once all of the information is filled in, click “Save & Start” to begin the logger’s mission.