for the technician
First firing, regulation and servicing instructions
Other boiler programme
Above have been described the main regulations, and most of them require some parameters
programming by means of control panel.
Control panel allows to modify many other parameters which influences boiler functioning, for perfectly
meeting special installation needs.
Do not modify default settings if not necessary
Heating system flow temperature range: (default value = 0):
This parameter must always be set at 0
Pump working in winter mode: (default setting = 0):
0 NORMAL: pump switches on whenever there is a heating demand and keeps on working
for all requested time plus 30 seconds (after circulation).
1 ALWAYS ON: In Winter mode pump continuously works. Use this setting only if it is requested
by heating plant.
2 ALWAYS OFF: In Winter mode pump is not activated (it works only if there is a request of
sanitary water). Use this setting only if external pump(s) are installed.
Delay before re-ignition after reaching heating flow temperature set: (in minutes, default
setting = 3):
In heating mode, when boiler reaches set temperature (
), burner switches off. Then tempe-
rature drops down and burner ignites again. This parameter sets the minimum delay time between
a switching off (at set) and the following re-ignition. We suggest the following criteria:
0 Setting for fancoil system. During heating, boiler will ignite more frequently.
1…7 Lower values are recommended for small plants and light radiators, higher values for
plants having big thermal inertia.
Temperature difference between primary system flow and set domestic hot water, in
sanitary mode, minitank disconnected (in °C, default setting = 15 °C). We advice to leave default
setting unchanged.
Minitank temperature setting according to dhw temperature setting, in sanitary mode,
minitank connected (default setting = 0):
0 Select 0 to keep minitank temperature in the primary system between 10°C and 15°C
higher than dhw temperature set by the user, with a maximum value of +50°C…+55°C.
1 Select 1 to keep minitank temperature in the primary system between 5°C and 10°C
higher than dhw temperature set by the user.
2 Select 2 to keep minitank temperature in the primary system between 10°C and 15°C
higher than dhw temperature set by the user.
3 Select 3 to keep minitank temperature in the primary system between 45°C and 50°C,
regardless dhw temperature set by the user.
It is recommended to select 0 (default setting) or 3, in case of hard water, unless a suitable
scale reducing device is fitted.