Door handle
Please ensure you use a protective glove when opening the the door on this applicance as it may become hot
User Instructions
Properly installed, operated and maintained, this appliance will not emit fumes into the room. Occasional fumes from de-ashing
refuelling may occur. Persistent fume emission is potentially dangerous and must not be tolerated.
If fume emission does persist:
• Open doors and windows to ventilate the room.
• Leave the room.
• Allow fire to burn out and safely dispose of fuel from the appliance.
• Check for chimney blockage and clean if required.
• Do not attempt to relight until the cause of the emission has been identified and corrected
• If necessary seek expert advice.
All open flued appliances can be affected by temporary atmospheric conditions which may allow fumes to enter the house.
Because of this an electronic carbon monoxide detector conforming to the latest edition of BSEN50291 must be fitted in the same
room as the appliance. The existence of an alarm must not be considered a substitute for ensuring regular servicing and mainte-
nance of the appliance and chimney system. If the alarm sounds follow the instructions given under Warning above.
Recommended Fuels
Wood logs - Burn only seasoned timber with a moisture content
of less than 20%. To ensure this allow cut wood to dry for 12 to 18
months. Poor quality timber causes low combustion efficiency, pro-
duces harmful condensation, reduces effectiveness of the airwash
and life of the
appliance. DO NOT burn construction timber painted, impregnated /
treated wood, manufactured board products or pallet wood.
Wood length max 200mm, and 100mm in diameter.
Solid fuel - Burn only anthracite or manufactured briquette smokeless fuels listed as suitable for use with closed heating appli-
DO NOT burn bituminous coal, ‘petro-coke’ or other petroleum based fuels as this will invalidate the product warranty.
Lighting the Stove
We recommend that you have two or three small fires before you operate your stove to its maximum heat output. This is to al-
low the paint to cure in steadily and to give a long service life of the paint finish. During this curing in process you may notice an
unpleasant smell whilst the finishes finally cure. It is non-toxic, but for your comfort we would suggest that during this period you
leave all doors and windows open.
First, open the primary and secondary air wash control fully. Load the firebox with plenty of starting fuel, i.e. paper, dry sticks and/
firelighters. Light the fire at the base leaving the primary and secondary air control fully open. Leave the door slightly ajar for 10
minutes to enhance initial starting and reduce smoke emission – DO NOT leave the stove unattended if the door is left ajar. Allow
the fuel to reach a steady glow and build the fire up gradually by adding a few small sticks or well split logs at a time. Once you
have a good fire bed
established across the grate, further fuel can be added step by step as required. Don’t be tempted to overload the fire bed with fuel
all at once or close down the air controls too much until the fire is really well established for some time. Once the ignition period is
well under way close the primary air and gradually reduce the secondary air wash control opening to establish the burning inten-
sity you require (usually open 25% approx.).
When burning wood, the fire will die down as the fuel is consumed. When the flames disappear and the remainder is breaking
down into glowing embers it is an appropriate time to consider re-fuelling. Note: If the flames disappear and there are still lumps of
solid wood left this indicates excessive moisture in the wood or insufficient air supply/flue draught.
Note: To eliminate unwanted smoke emission, after loading new logs on to the fire, open the air wash control up fully for 1-2 min-
utes to boost the fire and get flames issuing from the top of the fuel as soon as possible. When flames are well established, reduce
the air wash to the running setting required. Burning without flames above the fuel will create unnecessary smoke. Do not load fuel
above the tertiary air inlet
holes at the back of the firebox.
Loading 1 to 2 medium sized logs will produce a good output with reasonable burn time, generally small logs will burn up quicker
producing a high output for a short time and a large log will take longer to burn and produce less output over a given time.
This appliance is approved for intermittent operation on wood (0.75 to 1.5 hour burn cycles) although much longer burn times can
be achieved by fully loading the firebox, getting the fuel burning well and then shutting the air controls down. The fire will then
often need
reviving by first de-ashing and then using small pieces of wood and plenty of air to get flames issuing from the wood again.
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