Each installation is unique to the property so it is not possible to give details to suit every setting. The installation must comply with
Building Regulations and be made using best practice construction methods. Many fireplace openings have a supporting lintel. Do
not remove
without supporting the remaining structure of the building. do not support the structure with the appliance or the flue system.
Take care when installing the appliance. Careless handling and use of tools can damage the finish and/or area.
Rear flue exit and fit flue collar to suit installation. Seal with fire cement.
Installation Instructions
Choose how you are going to connect to the chimney and what pipes you require. Please ensure you comply with all Building
Regulations when installing your stove and connecting it to the chimney.
Please ensure you comply with Building Regulations when installing your appliance
www.henleystoves.com | 7
Straight Pipe
45 degree T Pipe
8” clay lined chimney
Fill with vermiculite
6” Flexi Flue Liner all the
way to teh top of the chimney
Ensure you comply with all Building Regulations when installing your appliance.