Thermal Printer Family
Part No. D 684 124
Mod. No. 4 080812 LEV
page 21 of 38
Sleep Mode RJ-45C Pinout
Signal name
I/O Function
Ready to send
Clear to send
Wake up printer
no connection
I/O Signal Gnd
no connection
Receive data
Transmit Data
Please note that it is possible to use only pins 3 and 5, waking up the printer using the RJ-45
while communicating via the primary interface. Once wired, the Sleep Mode option functions
as shown below.
NOTE: Any time that power is initially applied through the Sleep Mode board,
the eXtendo
printer will power up already asleep
. Therefore, the first step that must be taken after
power application to the printer is to wake the printer using the techniques in the “Wake Up”
section below.
NOTE: When using the Sleep Mode option with a serial interface, serial handshaking cannot
be used when communicating with the printer. This is because one of the handshake lines is
used to wake the printer from Sleep Mode.
5.1.1. “Go To Sleep”
How the eXtendo
printer is put to sleep depends upon the setting of a soldered
jumper on the Sleep Mode board.
If J1 is shorted (the default setting), the following hex command sequence sent over
the USB or serial interface will put the printer to sleep: 0x1B 0xF2 0x02 0x05 0x00
0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00. This command is ignored if the printer is not equipped with the
Sleep Mode Option.
If J1 is open, the printer will go to sleep when the DTR line goes high, regardless of
the interface type being used.
5.1.2. “Wake Up”
Similarly, how the eXtendo
printer wakes up also depends upon a jumper.
If J2 is shorted (the default setting), sending the printer six null characters (0x00) over
the serial interface will cause the printer to wake up.
If J2 is open, the printer will wake up on receipt of
six characters over the serial
Regardless of the setting of J1 or J2
, pulling DTR low will also cause the printer to
wake up.
Please note that if your printer is equipped with a USB interface, you must either send
the “Wake Up” command (either six nulls or six of any character, depending upon J2)
over the serial interface, or use the DTR line to Awaken the printer.
There is a delay of approximately 3.5 seconds from the time that the “Wake Up”
command/signal is sent until the printer is fully ready to print. This time is
preprogrammed into the Sleep Mode option to give the eXtendo
printer itself
adequate time to boot and to self-test.