remember to use genuine replacement parts from your local hobby dealer. Below is a list of items
for inspection. Inspection should not be limited to this list; if you notice any problem, listed or not, it
is recommended to give it proper attention
1. Electronics: The electronics included in your vehicle are not designed to power a submarine,
however they do perform well in all-weather conditions and light submersion for short periods of
time. This is typically found to happen when running through deep puddles where excess water
can fill the chassis area and submerge the electronics. Try to keep the electronics above water
whenever possible.
a. After using your vehicle in wet conditions, it is imperative that you clean and dry all con-
nectors to prevent corrosion. We recommend using electrical contact cleaner to displace
the water on the connectors.
b. Antenna: To achieve full operating range with your radio system, it is critical that the
receiver antenna be installed properly and undamaged
i. Ensure the antenna is installed in a vertical orientation, laying the antenna down will
reduce range and produce unexpected results during operation.
ii. Inspect any exposed antenna for cuts or abrasions
iii. Ensure there are no kinks in the antenna or antenna tube
iv. Never fold the end of the antenna over the tube, this will reduce the range and dam-
age the antenna
2. Gears: Periodically remove the gear box and disassemble the halves to expose the internal
gears. There should be no debris in the gear compartment, just grease.
a. Proper gear mesh setting is crucial for proper operation and life of gears in your product. It
is important to have the pinion gear (attached to motor) as close to the spur gear (attached
to drive shaft) as possible yet while providing a minimal amount of backlash. Backlash is
the rotation one gear has to make before contacting the other. Having the gear mesh set
too tight will cause excess load on the electrical components and may cause premature
failure. Having gear mesh set too loose will cause excess wear and possible skipping of
teeth during operation thus causing excess wear and premature failure
b. Fixed Gear Mesh Settings were designed into your vehicle to accommodate both a 12 and
14T pinion gear. These settings have the proper backlash pre-configured.
c. When gears become loud, this typically means it is time to replace them. The gear that
sees the most wear and tear is the top shaft compound gear.
3. Shocks: Periodically inspect the shocks for smooth/free motion, dirt residue build up around the
shaft and inside the shock body will cause the shocks to bind up and not operate properly.
a. Be sure to clean the shocks regularly with a clean and dry soft bristle brush and/or rag.
b. Adding a few drops of oil to the shock shaft can help keep the shocks operating smooth,
however this oil can also attract unwanted dirt so keep an eye on it and keep them clean
when possible.
4. Tires and wheels:
a. Inspect the tires to ensure they are properly glued to the wheels. The tires on your vehicle
come pre-glued from the factory; however after running your vehicle it is possible for the
glue to come loose in some areas.
i. To reattach the tire to the wheel, use hobby grade Cyanoacrylate (CA) glue and ap-
ply small amounts (one drop at a time) between the tire and wheel. Allow the glue to
fully dry before operating your vehicle.
Follow manufacturer’s warnings and directions when using CA glue. It is always recom
mended to wear eye protection when maintaining your vehicle.
ii. When reinstalling tires, use caution when tightening the nuts that secure the wheels
to the vehicle. Ensure they rotate freely but don’t wobble excessively. Over tightening