If the model is to be stored for a long time period, please remove the batteries
from the transmitter to avoid damage to the contacts. If storing the model for
several weeks, the batteries for the quadcopter should be charged to 50%
of a full charge and checked after 3 to 4 months.
The TX465 transmitter has a dual rate
function. This feature toggles between
a fl ight mode that reduces the model’s
range of motion to make the 1Si easer
to fl y and one that allows the full range
of motion so the 1Si can fl y in a more
aggressive manner. To toggle between
these two fl ight modes, press down
on the right control stick and release
it. When the transmitter is in low rates,
the ellipse in the lower center of the
LCD screen will show a half ellipse and emit a single low pitch single beep.
For high rates, the ellipse will be complete and the transmitter will emit a
single high pitch beep.
Adjusting the Flight Sensitivity
You can also make the transmitter for the 1Si more or less sensitive by
changing the control setting. To do this, press and hold the right stick down.
When the transmitter starts to beep continuously, move the throttle up or
down to adjust the sensitivity percentage which will be indicated on the LCD
screen. A higher value will make the controls more sensitive. When you have
the desired setting, release the right stick and return the throttle to 0%. We
have found that 30% is good all-around setting. Warning: If this value gets
bumped to 0 your quadcopter will respond very slowly to any right stick input.
When the 1Si is turned on, it will be in the normal flight mode. In this mode,
the control board will apply “Braking” to level the 1Si and slowly return the
model to a hover when the right control stick is centered. This feature was
added to reduce the chance that the 1Si will be damaged in a crash.
The Braking feature can be turned off by pressing the F Mode button. To
indicate that the 1Si in now in the manual mode, the LED on the back of the
1Si will flash twice quickly, turn off for a second, flash twice quickly again,
then remain steady. When the 1Si is in this mode, the model will continue
moving when the right stick is centered.