Deactivate and activate safety functions
If temperature is measured via external temperature sensor Pt 1000, the error control
switches off heating:
at sudden temperature decrease at sensor (error E21)
if temperature increase at sensor is too slow in correspondence to heating power
(error E22)
These safety functions are factory preset. If necessary you can deactivate these 2 safety
Risk of burning! Possible damage of device
Described safety functions switch off heating including when
temperature sensor is not positioned in sample.
When temperature sensor is not positioned in sample, the sensor
measures ambient temperature. The hotplate keeps up raising
temperature till max. temperature of 300 °C but set temperature can
never be reached.
When deactivating these 2 safety functions:
Ensure that temperature sensor is always inserted in sample prior
to switch on heating.
Never fill in sample to already heated up sample during running
operation, if temperature differs to already heated up sample.
Temperature sensor is connected and
inserted in sample.
Device is switched on.
Rotation and heating are switched off.
Press select knob and hold pressed.
Press heating button in addition once.
“SAF On” appears in display.
While still pressing select knob press
heating button once again.
Display changes from “SAF On” to
Release select knob.
The 2 safety functions are deactivated.
Your setting will be saved after switch
To re-activate safety functions repeat
procedure till display shows “SAF On”.
Select knob
Heating button
Select knob
Heating button