T H E R M O F I L M A U S T R A L I A P T Y L T D w w w . h e a t s t r i p . c o m . a u
2 7 R o s a l i e S t r e e t , S p r i n g v a l e V I C 3 1 7 1 A u s t r a l i a
P : 6 1 + 3 9 5 6 2 3 4 5 5 F : 6 1 + 3 9 5 4 8 3 9 7 9 h e a t s t r i p @ t h e r m o f i l m . c o m . a u
All products are inspected and tested before despatch and are at the risk of the
purchaser after shipment from the Thermofilm factory, if not delivered by Thermofilm to
Should products be determined as damaged on arrival, immediately notify the transport
company of the condition and have them noted on the freight documents. If damage is
discovered after unpacking, demand immediate inspection by the transportation
company and insist that a record of the damage is made on the freight documentation.
The Customer warrants to use the product in accordance with:
Any instructions provided to it by Thermofilm from time to time.
All government and local regulations, including, but not limited to all relevant electrical,
environmental laws and regulations governing the installation, storage use, handling
and maintenance of the goods.
All necessary and appropriate precautions and safety measures relating to the installation,
storage, use, handling and maintenance of goods