Installing an HF motorized antenna system is very different from a VHF or UHF antenna. A good
grounding system, counterpoise or radials is absolutely essential.
Operating this antenna without radials or a counterpoise can cause damage to
the main coil. The main coil is tightly wound in order to get coverage from 75 to
6 meters. Operating without a counterpoise will cause high voltage to develop
on the main coil which can cause an arc.
Tests with ohmmeters will likely provide misleading information. Antenna analyzers can
give incorrect or false information. You should use the transceiver and its built-in SWR
meter. Field strength meters may also be used.
Keep in mind that it is very possible to have a high SWR and greater field strength
with a properly installed and properly tuned system. For example, many antennas
can have a 50 ohm impedance with a corresponding low SWR. But, they are very
inefficient as radiators. They have a low SWR but don’t radiate very well. A low
SWR is not the goal. A strong signal is the goal. So, read the manual, follow the
instructions and do the maintenance. You will be very happy with the performance
of your
High Sierra Antenna
If you have some questions, please try to find the answers in the manual first. There is a
troubleshooting section and an index. If you can’t find the answers, please go to the website at
and use the ‘contact’ us box. Please do not call our 888 order line with technical
Here are some things to keep in mind:
Use the transceiver’s built-in SWR meter to tune the antenna.
We do not recommend the use of antenna analyzers or ohmmeters. You’ll be using a
transceiver to transmit not an analyzer or ohmmeter.
An SWR of less than 2:1 is good. A lower SWR reading will not result in improved
performance. In others words, when the antenna system has achieved an SWR of 2:1
or less you can stop. There is no reason for you to seek an SWR that is lower.