Base Installation
For a base installation, the radials or counterpoise must be connected to a screw on your
mount adjacent to the coax connector. The radials can be as simple as wire that is cut to a
quarter wavelength. We have found that wires 32, 16, 11 and 8 feet long will provide
continuous coverage from 3.5 to 30MHz. You can also use 8 wires that are 10 feet long. The
radials should be spread out like spokes on a wheel.
Generally speaking, burying of radials increases ground losses. So, having the radials on the top
of the ground will increase performance.
Like most HF antennas, generally speaking higher is better. However, most of us must
compromise. So, if you can put it up on the roof, that is better. If you cannot use the roof,
then install the antenna on the ground.
Here are some things to keep in mind:
You are responsible for safety, safety, safety
Higher is better. But for some, the antenna must be low.
Radials or a counterpoise must be used.
A driven ground stake or grounding rod is probably useless.
The radials or counterpoise
be connected to a screw next to the coax connector.