No, it is not possible for the antenna to
short out
. Replace the coax with some
known to be good that already has the connectors installed. The coax should be at least 15
feet long.
I think something is loose inside my new antenna. When I turn it upside down, I hear a rattle. Should I
send the antenna back?
No. What you are hearing are the stainless steel washers on the lead screw sliding
down its length. That is a normal sound to hear.
The coil spins when I try to move it up or down. What’s wrong?
The coil cannot spin if the weathershield is tight. The key on the outside of the
aluminum tube and keyway in the weathershield keep the coil from spinning. You
need to tighten the whip or quick disconnect.
The main coil won’t go up and down. What’s wrong?
You first need to check the spring that makes contact with the coil. To do that,
remove the whip and quick disconnect. Remove the two screws in the top or bottom
cap of the weathershield. Lower or remove the weathershield. Loosen the three set
screws in the collar that holds the spring. Remove the collar. Remove the contact
spring from the collar. If the spring is not uniform, it must be replaced.
The spring wore out or is deformed. Why did that happen?
Well, the contact spring is subjected to a lot of vibration. It is made from
stainless steel and is a patented device. Over time, it will wear out. We recommend
that the spring be replaced about once a year. We tried fingerstock and found that it
wore out very quickly and required that the antenna be returned for repair. Fingerstock
contains Berrylium which is an extremely hazardous material. We don’t want our
employees or you to be exposed to Berrylium. The spring is stainless steel, relatively
inexpensive and very simple to replace. In addition, it is impossible for the spring to
lose contact with the coil. Fingerstock cannot maintain contact over time.
My SWR is 1:6. What’s `wrong?
Well first, the SWR is expressed as X:1. So, if you mean the SWR is 6:1, I would
check the coax connectors for a short or an open. The best way to do that is to replace
the coax with new