ACC Override
Left-Close Right-Open
2. ACC Override
The lever located to the left of the combustion air con-
trol is the ACC OVERRIDE and may be used to over-
ride the setting of the automatic combustion air control.
If the ACC has been activated and burn rate needs to
be slowed, move the lever to the LEFT and position
combustion air control at the preferred setting. To close
the air supply for an over-fire situatution or to slow the
burn rate down immediately, slide the lever to the LEFT
and also slide the combustion air control all the way to
the left.
If reloading a bright, hot coal bed for longer
(low) burn time, setting the ACC may not be required.
Burn dry, well seasoned wood.
Figure 3.5 ACC Override Control
1. Automatic Combustion Control (ACC)
The automatic combustion control system allows you to
set the fireplace to high (slide the combustion air control
all the way to the right), start the fire, and then move
the combustion air control to the desired burn level.
The fire will automatically go to that level once it is fully
established. This allows for less interaction with the fire
by the homeowner and more efficient use of fuel while
maintaining the desired heat output.
After the fireplace becomes hot, you may prefer to not
activate the ACC when reloading fuel. If you do not
slide the combustion air control all the way to the right,
the ACC will not be activated.
To establish your settings, always begin with
the air control all the way to the left to STOP and then
move it to the right for your desired setting.
As you move the combustion air control
to the RIGHT, you will feel resistance about three-
fourths of the way. You must move past that resistance
approximately 3/4 in. (19mm) to fully engage the
automatic combustion control (ACC) system.
Automatic Conbustion Air
Control Handle (ACC)
Left-Close Right-Open
ACC Fully
Figure 3.4 Automatic Combustion Control (ACC)
Heat & Glo • NorthStar Owner’s Manual • 480-2350 • Rev G • 05/15/14