Flame Tube
The flame tube assembly consists of the flame tube, flame tube motor and mounting brackets. If there
isn’t any rolling frame the following needs performed. To access the flame tube assembly the front glass
must be removed and the flame screen pulled forward. Refer to Figure 9. Look for any jams that may
cause interference of the rotating tube. Next, inspect for the mounting of the flame tube. Make sure the 2
fasteners are present which hold the flame tube in its place. Also check for bent brackets which may have
caused the flame tube to fall out. Refer to Figure 8.
Figure 8
If there isn’t any interference then inspect the flame tube motor. The flame tube is rotated by a 120vac,
60Hz motor drawing 40ma at 3.7watts which is plugged in, located in the same location as the lamp plug.
The plug will have a brown and a white wire on one side and a black and black wire leading to the motor.
Check for good connection. Refer to Figure 9.
Figure 9
Flame tube brackets, quantity 2.
Flame tube fasteners quantity 2.
Flame tube motor.