Residential Wall Mount Hood
Parts List
Parts included with your unit:
Canopy hood assembly
Blower asssemblies-installed
Adaptor with dampers
User’s Manual
Filters (2,3, or 4 depending on hood size)
Installation kit
Wood strip
Wire clamp connector
3/8” screws for lower installation
3/4” screws for hood installation
(may not need all screws, depending on
hood size and blower quanitity)
Halogen lights (2)
Size R20, 50 Watts maximum
Parts to be purchased separarately:
Backsplash (optional-from Heartland)
Duct cover (optional-from Heartland)
Heat lamp bulbs (2)
Size IR175R PAR
175 Watts maximum
Red Infared
Duct tape (2” wide)
Wall anchors (if needed)
Standard ducting:
8” Rigid Galvanized ducting
Flashings & Rain Caps: 8” dia (for square rain
caps, use an equivalent cross sectional area).
Flashings & rain caps are available from local
Building Supply Centers or can be custom made
by local sheet metal shops to match home’s
Vent Hood
Duct Cover Kit
SplashBack Kit