HearthStone Quality Home Heating Products Inc
Stowe Model #8321
4. Gently slide the “Cordwood” style
log (2) onto the Rear post and the
Left post, with the rear portion of the
log on top of the Forked Log (1).
5. Gently slide the Straight Log (3)
onto the Right post and the Front
Post, with the Charred end towards
the front.
6. Gently place the Top Log (4) in the
indentation on the Cordwood Log (2)
and the pilot assembly, being sure to
slide the end into the rear corner of
the firebox.
7. Spread the Charcoal Embers evenly
across the Pan Burner,
one layer
. You may, or may not, need to
use all of the Charcoal Embers.
Keep the remainder to use in the
future. Do not block the air opening
under cast brick panel in any way.
Locate and open the bag of rock wool.
Pull apart small pieces of the wool and
sprinkle over the Charcoal Embers
randomly. This wool will glow once the
unit is running.
8. Replace the glass frame by sliding it
down the face of the firebox and
pushing the top back. Slide the two
clips back down to hold the frame in