Remove / Attach tubing • Which is right and left?
How to tell your right Apollo from your left Apollo:
Your Apollo can be used in either ear by
selecting a right slim-tubing or a left
slim-tubing. Each slim-tubing is preformed
to “point” into either the right or left ear.
Right slim-tubing has red
lettering on it and left
slim-tubing has blue lettering.
Set for left ear.
Set for right ear.
REMOVING slim-tubing from the Apollo-6200 or Apollo-6210:
Grasp the thicker base
of the slim-tubing
near the top of the
Twist the tubing
900 to the left or
Pull the thicker base
of the tubing away
from the Apollo.
ATTACHING slim-tubing to the Apollo-6200 or Apollo-6210:
Line up the top of the Apollo and the thicker tubing base and
gently push the end of the slim-tube onto the Apollo until it
snaps into position.
Attention: Please make sure ZipTips and slim-tubing are securely
attached before using so they do not come off in your ear.