1. Our mats are good for people of all ages, including
children. According to customer feedback, pets love the
mats too! They eat better, play with more energy, and
show signs of better wellness — regardless of their age.
2. You can always sleep on the mat at any time.
Drink plenty of water before, during, and after use.
4. The box you receive your package in may or may not
contain our branding. The box may show signs of wear
due to shipping and customs. We only sell new mats.
5. If you need to use a mat outside of North America you
need to use a power converter. We also have a good
selection of 220V versions.
Check our website for other products and accessories.
7. You should cover your mat with a towel, blanket, or one
of our special waterproof covers.
Try a chair model. Watch TV, read a book, or give it to
your kids to preserve their wellness starting at a young
age. Get rid of the negative impact of constantly using
computers and the TV. Your body will thank you.
9. There is protection built into the mats to prevent
overheating. The mat will stop heating at the set
temperature. Once the temperature drops, it will heat
We have special models designed for chairs, knees,
arms, shoulders, and non-powered energy bedding.
11. For helpful videos, visit healthyline.com/video.
12. Spread the word! Share your experience with friends,
family, neighbors, social media, and groups. You may
also become an affiliate or referrer.
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How are mats protected from EMF?
Your mat is made of industry-leading double
insulating wiring that fits between two layers of
a copper-mesh EMF filter.
If I have a serious illness, can I use a mat?
If you have a serious health concern you could
use your mat at a low-temperature setting. How-
ever, you should ask your doctor if heat therapy
is right for you.
How can I burn calories?
Using the mat at high temperature settings gives
your body similar effects to doing cardio in the
gym. Infrared heat on a temperature of 50ºC-
60ºC temporary increases circulatory processes
in the body, boosting your energy. If you set the
temperature to 70ºC and cover your body with
a blanket, you would receive real sauna benefits
with sweat. Please keep it reasonably under one
hour and keep the process comfortable for your
self. Drink plenty of water.
How long can I use the mat?
You can use the mat for any period of time – even
overnight. It all depends on your preference. Use
the convenient temperature setting and reduce
duration at higher temperature settings.
Can I fold the mat?
Yes, although certain models (such as the ones with PEMF) are
less flexible. If you think you’ll be storing the mat in a tight
area, consider getting a mat such as the Reverse or SOFT mo
dels. But remember, when you fold the mat too often it may
eventually lose its durability.